Islamic Quotes: A Guiding Light for Every Aspect of Life

Islamic quotes have long served as a source of wisdom, inspiration, and guidance for millions of people. Rooted in the Holy Quran and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), these islamic quotes touch on every aspect of life, offering comfort, encouragement, and clarity. In this article, we will examine some of the most profound Islamic quotes categorized under various themes, providing insight and inspiration for nurturing faith and character.

Islamic Quotes

Best Inspirational Quran Quotes

The Quran is a treasure trove of inspiration, filled with verses that uplift the soul and encourage steadfastness in faith. These passages remind us of Allah’s mercy, power, and wisdom.

25 Best Inspirational Quran Quotes:

  1. “Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.” (Quran 94:6)
  2. “And He found you lost and guided [you].” (Quran 93:7)
  3. “So remember Me; I will remember you.” (Quran 2:152)
  4. “And whoever puts their trust in Allah, He will suffice them.” (Quran 65:3)
  5. “Indeed, Allah does not fail in His promise.” (Quran 3:9)
  6. “Do not despair of the mercy of Allah.” (Quran 39:53)
  7. “And We have certainly made the Quran easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?” (Quran 54:17)
  8. “Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear.” (Quran 2:286)
  9. “Call upon Me; I will respond to you.” (Quran 40:60)
  10. “Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds will have gardens beneath which rivers flow.” (Quran 85:11)
  11. “And whoever fears Allah – He will make for him a way out.” (Quran 65:2)
  12. “Say, ‘Nothing will ever befall us except what Allah has decreed for us.’” (Quran 9:51)
  13. “So verily, with the hardship, there is relief.” (Quran 94:6)
  14. “Guide us to the straight path.” (Quran 1:6)
  15. “And My mercy encompasses all things.” (Quran 7:156)
  16. “O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer.” (Quran 2:153)
  17. “And He is with you wherever you are.” (Quran 57:4)
  18. “Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth.” (Quran 30:60)
  19. “Say, ‘Indeed, my Lord is the Provider of sustenance.’” (Quran 34:24)
  20. “And rely upon Allah; and sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.” (Quran 33:3)
  21. “He knows what is within the heavens and earth and knows what you conceal and what you declare.” (Quran 64:4)
  22. “And your Lord is going to give you, and you will be satisfied.” (Quran 93:5)
  23. “Indeed, it is We who sent down the Quran and indeed, We will be its guardian.” (Quran 15:9)
  24. “And to Allah belongs the unseen [aspects] of the heavens and the earth.” (Quran 16:77)
  25. “And Allah is the best of planners.” (Quran 3:54)

Islamic Quotes About Faith and Worship

Faith and worship are the foundation of a believer’s life. These quotes highlight the importance of unwavering faith in Allah and the rewards of sincere worship.

25 Islamic Quotes About Faith and Worship:

  1. “Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing.” (Quran 29:45)
  2. “The most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even if it were little.” (Hadith)
  3. “Verily, Allah loves those who put their trust in Him.” (Quran 3:159)
  4. “The strong believer is better and more beloved to Allah than the weak believer.” (Hadith)
  5. “And establish prayer for My remembrance.” (Quran 20:14)
  6. “Whoever draws close to Me by a hand span, I will draw close to him by an arm’s length.” (Hadith Qudsi)
  7. “Be mindful of Allah, and Allah will protect you.” (Hadith)
  8. “Worship your Lord until there comes to you the certainty.” (Quran 15:99)
  9. “Do not follow the footsteps of Satan.” (Quran 2:168)
  10. “And rely upon the Ever-Living who does not die.” (Quran 25:58)
  11. “Indeed, the remembrance of Allah is the greatest.” (Quran 29:45)
  12. “And establish prayer and give Zakat.” (Quran 2:43)
  13. “And Allah loves the doers of good.” (Quran 3:134)
  14. “Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” (Quran 13:28)
  15. “Do not grieve; indeed, Allah is with us.” (Quran 9:40)
  16. “Whoever purifies himself will succeed.” (Quran 87:14)
  17. “Seek forgiveness of your Lord and repent to Him.” (Quran 11:3)
  18. “So worship Allah, being sincere to Him in religion.” (Quran 39:2)
  19. “And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers.” (Quran 24:31)
  20. “And whoever submits his face to Allah while being a doer of good – then he has grasped the most trustworthy handhold.” (Quran 31:22)
  21. “The most excellent Jihad is that for the conquest of self.” (Hadith)
  22. “Beware of envy, for envy devours good deeds like fire devours wood.” (Hadith)
  23. “The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.” (Hadith)
  24. “Allah does not look at your appearance or your wealth but at your hearts and deeds.” (Hadith)
  25. “Whoever Allah guides, no one can mislead.” (Quran 7:178)

Islamic Quotes About Love and Compassion

Love and compassion are central tenets of Islam, emphasizing the importance of kindness and mercy in all relationships. These quotes reveal the beauty of loving for the sake of Allah and being compassionate towards all His creatures.

25 Islamic Quotes About Love and Compassion:

  1. “And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds.” (Quran 21:107)
  2. “The believers are but brothers, so make settlement between your brothers.” (Quran 49:10)
  3. “And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy.” (Quran 17:24)
  4. “The best of you are those who are best to their families.” (Hadith)
  5. “Show mercy to those on the earth, and the One above the heavens will show mercy to you.” (Hadith)
  6. “A kind word and forgiveness are better than charity followed by injury.” (Quran 2:263)
  7. “Allah will not show mercy to him who is not merciful to people.” (Hadith)
  8. “Do not turn your face away from people in arrogance, nor walk in pride on the earth.” (Quran 31:18)
  9. “And give to the relatives their due, and also to the poor and the traveler.” (Quran 17:26)
  10. “None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” (Hadith)
  11. “Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds – the Most Merciful will appoint for them affection.” (Quran 19:96)
  12. “O mankind, We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another.” (Quran 49:13)
  13. “The most perfect believer in faith is the one whose character is finest and who is kindest to his wife.” (Hadith)
  14. “Allah is Gentle and loves gentleness in all matters.” (Hadith)
  15. “The best charity is that given to a relative who does not like you.” (Hadith)
  16. “Help one another in acts of righteousness and piety.” (Quran 5:2)
  17. “Do not defame one another, nor insult one another by nicknames.” (Quran 49:11)
  18. “If you give thanks, I will surely increase you [in favor].” (Quran 14:7)
  19. “And say to My servants to say that which is best.” (Quran 17:53)
  20. “Allah loves those who act justly.” (Quran 49:9)
  21. “When a Muslim plants a tree or sows seeds, and a bird, person, or animal eats from it, it is regarded as charity.” (Hadith)
  22. “Whoever is kind, Allah will be kind to him.” (Hadith)
  23. “Make peace between yourselves, for indeed Allah loves those who reconcile.” (Hadith)
  24. “The strong are not those who defeat others but those who can control themselves when angry.” (Hadith)
  25. “Give food to the hungry, greet those you know and those you do not know.” (Hadith)

Islamic Quotes About Knowledge and Education

Islam places great importance on the pursuit of knowledge and education. Learning is considered a means of drawing closer to Allah and fulfilling one’s responsibility to be a useful member of society. Both secular and religious knowledge are encouraged, emphasizing that education is a lifelong process.

25 Islamic Quotes About Knowledge and Education:

  1. “Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.”
  2. “The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr.”
  3. “Allah raises those who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge by degrees.” – Quran 58:11
  4. “Whoever treads a path seeking knowledge, Allah will make his path to Paradise easy.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  5. “Read! In the Name of your Lord Who has created.” – Quran 96:1
  6. “Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  7. “He who goes forth in search of knowledge is considered as struggling in the cause of Allah until he returns.”
  8. “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who prays for him.”
  9. “The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  10. “Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.”
  11. “Acquire knowledge, and it will elevate you.”
  12. “Ignorance is darkness, and knowledge is light.”
  13. “Do not follow what you have no knowledge of.” – Quran 17:36
  14. “Indeed, the most beloved deed to Allah is seeking knowledge.”
  15. “The superiority of a knowledgeable person over a worshipper is like the superiority of the moon over the stars.”
  16. “Knowledge without action is like a tree without fruit.”
  17. “He who seeks knowledge for the sake of Allah, it will be a source of guidance.”
  18. “Do not acquire knowledge only to argue with the foolish.”
  19. “Wisdom is the lost property of the believer; wherever he finds it, he has a right to it.”
  20. “Every Muslim man and woman is encouraged to learn and teach.”
  21. “O Allah, increase me in knowledge.” – Quran 20:114
  22. “The learned are the inheritors of the Prophets.”
  23. “An hour of learning is better than a night of prayer.”
  24. “The best gift a father can give to his child is education.”
  25. “The one who teaches knowledge gets the reward of all those who practice it.”

Islamic Quotes About Patience and Perseverance

Patience (sabr) is a key virtue in Islam, emphasized as a means of overcoming challenges and remaining steadfast in faith. Perseverance in times of difficulty is seen as worship and trust in Allah’s plan. It reflects the believer’s resilience and trust in Allah during trials.

25 Islamic Quotes About Patience and Perseverance:

  1. “Indeed, Allah is with the patient.” – Quran 2:153
  2. “And be patient, for indeed, Allah does not allow to be lost the reward of those who do good.” – Quran 11:115
  3. “Seek help through patience and prayer.” – Quran 2:45
  4. “Patience is light.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  5. “Whoever practices patience, Allah will grant him patience.”
  6. “And whoever remains patient, it is better for him.” – Quran 16:126
  7. “Indeed, the patient will be given their reward without measure.” – Quran 39:10
  8. “Do not despair of the mercy of Allah.” – Quran 39:53
  9. “Verily, with hardship comes ease.” – Quran 94:6
  10. “Patience is the key to contentment.”
  11. “When you have patience, you have everything.”
  12. “The best response to trials is patience and prayer.”
  13. “Allah loves those who are patient.”
  14. “A believer never loses hope, for his patience is rooted in faith.”
  15. “Patience and forgiveness are acts of great courage.”
  16. “Endure with beautiful patience.” – Quran 70:5
  17. “Patience is not simply waiting; it is trusting in Allah’s wisdom.”
  18. “The strongest among you is the one who practices patience in adversity.”
  19. “For every pain you endure, Allah wipes away a sin.”
  20. “Trust in Allah and be patient.”
  21. “True patience is in the first hit of the calamity.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  22. “Sabr leads to the doors of Jannah.”
  23. “A believer’s strength lies in his patience.”
  24. “No one can achieve success without perseverance.”
  25. “Patience is a shield that protects the heart from despair.”

Islamic Quotes About Gratitude and Contentment

Islam emphasizes gratitude and contentment as ways to achieve peace and happiness. Being grateful for Allah’s blessings, whether large or small, is a sign of true faith. Contentment with Allah’s command reflects trust in His wisdom and leads to a fulfilling life.

25 Islamic Quotes About Gratitude and Contentment:

  1. “If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favor].” – Quran 14:7
  2. “And be grateful to Allah if it is [indeed] Him that you worship.” – Quran 2:172
  3. “Whoever is not grateful to people has not been grateful to Allah.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  4. “Say, ‘All praise is due to Allah’ and be among His grateful servants.” – Quran 27:19
  5. “The reward of gratitude is abundant blessings.”
  6. “Contentment is a treasure that never ends.”
  7. “He who is content with little possesses much.”
  8. “Gratitude leads to the doors of Allah’s mercy.”
  9. “The richest person is not the one who has the most but the one who is content with what he has.”
  10. “Allah has promised to reward those who are grateful.”
  11. “Grateful hearts are always at peace.”
  12. “Contentment is an act of worship.”
  13. “Thankfulness leads to blessings in this world and the hereafter.”
  14. “Be patient and grateful, and you will find your reward with Allah.”
  15. “A heart filled with gratitude is a heart free of envy.”
  16. “Gratitude is half of faith.”
  17. “Remember Allah’s favors upon you and give thanks.”
  18. “Contentment with Allah’s decree brings inner peace.”
  19. “Gratitude transforms what we have into enough.”
  20. “A thankful servant is loved by Allah.”
  21. “And remember when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you are grateful, I will increase you.’” – Quran 14:7
  22. “True wealth is found in contentment and gratitude.”
  23. “Thank Allah in prosperity, and He will help you in adversity.”
  24. “Gratitude is the foundation of worship.”
  25. “Contentment with Allah’s decree is the highest form of gratitude.”

Islamic Quotes About Equality

Equality is a fundamental concept in Islam. All human beings are considered equal in the eyes of Allah, regardless of race, colour, or social status. Piety is the only criterion of superiority. The emphasis on justice and fairness emphasizes the importance of treating everyone with dignity and respect.

25 Islamic Quotes About Equality:

  1. “Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you.” – Quran 49:13
  2. “No Arab has superiority over a non-Arab, and no non-Arab has superiority over an Arab.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  3. “We have certainly created man in the best of stature.” – Quran 95:4
  4. “And We made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.” – Quran 49:13
  5. “There is no superiority of a white over a black, nor a black over a white, except by Taqwa.”
  6. “Verily, Allah does not look at your appearance or wealth, but He looks at your hearts and deeds.”
  7. “Stand firm in justice as witnesses for Allah, even if it is against yourselves or parents and relatives.” – Quran 4:135
  8. “Allah loves those who act justly.” – Quran 60:8
  9. “The believers are but one brotherhood.” – Quran 49:10
  10. “Be just, that is nearer to righteousness.” – Quran 5:8
  11. “And do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just.” – Quran 5:8
  12. “Injustice will be darkness on the Day of Judgment.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  13. “Allah has made you stewards on Earth, so act with justice.”
  14. “Every soul will be held accountable for its deeds.” – Quran 74:38
  15. “Help one another in righteousness and piety.” – Quran 5:2
  16. “Allah enjoins justice and kindness.” – Quran 16:90
  17. “The strong are not above the weak, and the weak are not beneath the strong.”
  18. “Islam abolishes all forms of racial discrimination.”
  19. “Justice is a pillar of faith.”
  20. “Equality is the essence of Islamic law.”
  21. “Every Muslim is a brother to another Muslim.”
  22. “The bond of brotherhood transcends all worldly boundaries.”
  23. “Allah commands fairness in all dealings.”
  24. “Serve humanity, for the best among you are those who benefit others.”
  25. “Do not oppress others, for oppression will be darkness on the Day of Judgment.”


Video About Islamic Quotes:

Islamic Quotes About Life

In Islam, life is seen as a test from Allah, where every moment is an opportunity to earn His pleasure and prepare for the Hereafter. It emphasizes living a righteous life filled with worship, good deeds, and gratitude for Allah’s blessings. Every event in life is an opportunity to grow spiritually and receive Allah’s mercy.

25 Islamic Quotes About Life:

  1. “Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your full compensation on the Day of Resurrection.” – Quran 3:185
  2. “And whoever does good deeds, whether male or female, while being a believer, they will enter Paradise.” – Quran 4:124
  3. “Indeed, with hardship, there is ease.” – Quran 94:6
  4. “This worldly life is only amusement and diversion, but the home of the Hereafter is best for those who fear Allah.” – Quran 6:32
  5. “So remember Me; I will remember you.” – Quran 2:152
  6. “Wealth and children are [but] adornment of the worldly life. But the enduring good deeds are better to your Lord.” – Quran 18:46
  7. “Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” – Quran 13:11
  8. “And We have certainly created man and We know what his soul whispers to him.” – Quran 50:16
  9. “The life of this world is but provisions of delusion.” – Quran 3:185
  10. “Whoever saves one [life] – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.” – Quran 5:32
  11. “And establish prayer and give zakah, and whatever good you put forward for yourselves – you will find it with Allah.” – Quran 2:110
  12. “The best of people are those who bring the most benefit to others.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  13. “Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a traveler.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  14. “He who has made the Quran his guide, Allah will lead him to Paradise.”
  15. “Life is a gift from Allah; use it to do good.”
  16. “Contentment is a sign of a believer’s trust in Allah.”
  17. “Remember that this life is temporary, but the hereafter is eternal.”
  18. “Worship Allah as if you see Him.”
  19. “Righteousness brings peace to your heart.”
  20. “The one who lives for others will find Allah’s mercy.”
  21. “Do not be a slave to this world; seek Allah’s pleasure.”
  22. “The real wealth of life is faith and good deeds.”
  23. “Help others, and Allah will help you.”
  24. “A believer’s life is centered around gratitude and patience.”
  25. “Let the remembrance of Allah fill your days with peace.”

Islamic Quotes About Death

In Islam, death is seen as a transition from this worldly life to an eternal afterlife. It is not seen as an end, but rather a path that leads to either eternal bliss in heaven or punishment in hell, depending on one’s actions and faith. The Quran and the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) remind Muslims to reflect on death frequently, as it serves as a motivation to live a righteous and pious life. Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment, when everyone will be held accountable for their actions.

The Islamic perspective encourages preparation for death by worshipping Allah, performing good deeds, and seeking forgiveness for sins. Death is a reminder of the transitory nature of this world and the eternal nature of the hereafter. By reflecting on death, a believer can develop humility, gratitude, and a strong desire to please Allah.

25 Islamic Quotes About Death:

  1. “Every soul shall taste death.” – Quran (3:185)
  2. “To Allah we belong, and to Him we shall return.” – Quran (2:156)
  3. “Do not die except as Muslims, submitting to Allah.” – Quran (3:102)
  4. “Indeed, the death from which you flee will meet you.” – Quran (62:8)
  5. “Death is a bridge that connects the lover to the Beloved.” – Rumi
  6. “The grave calls out: ‘I am the house of loneliness; I am the house of dust.’” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  7. “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three: Sadaqah Jariyah, knowledge that is beneficial, and a righteous child who prays for him.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  8. “Live for the hereafter as if you will die tomorrow.”
  9. “The life of this world is nothing but a deception.” – Quran (57:20)
  10. “Prepare for death before it takes you by surprise.”
  11. “Visit the graves, for they remind you of death.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  12. “Death is the destroyer of pleasures, so remember it often.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  13. “The intelligent person is the one who remembers death and prepares for it.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  14. “The worldly life is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the disbeliever.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  15. “No soul knows in what land it will die.” – Quran (31:34)
  16. “Your wealth and children are but a trial, and Allah has with Him a great reward.” – Quran (64:15)
  17. “Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear.” – Quran (2:286)
  18. “On the Day of Judgment, we will all stand before Allah.” – Quran (45:36)
  19. “Seek forgiveness, for death comes suddenly.”
  20. “O Allah, grant us a good end to our lives.”
  21. “Remember that this world is temporary; only the hereafter is eternal.”
  22. “Allah is the best of planners, and He knows when our time will come.”
  23. “Every moment of life is an opportunity to prepare for death.”
  24. “Do not despair of Allah’s mercy, for He forgives all sins.” – Quran (39:53)
  25. “The heart finds peace in remembering Allah, even in the face of death.” – Quran (13:28)

Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Quotes

The last prophet of Islam, Muhammad (peace be upon him), is revered for his wisdom, compassion, and guidance. His teachings, found in the Quran and Hadith, emphasize love, mercy, justice, and humility. His islamic quotes inspire billions of people around the world to live righteous lives and promote harmony. Through his profound sayings, he addressed spiritual matters, interpersonal relationships, and ethical conduct, leaving behind a lasting legacy.

25 Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Quotes:

  1. “The best among you are those who have the best manners and character.”
  2. “None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.”
  3. “The strong person is not the one who can overpower others, but the one who controls himself in anger.”
  4. “Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave.”
  5. “Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has no faith.”
  6. “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who prays for him.”
  7. “The best charity is that given in secret to someone in need.”
  8. “Make things easy for people, and do not make them difficult. Give them glad tidings and do not turn them away.”
  9. “Do not waste water, even if performing ablution on the banks of a flowing river.”
  10. “Allah does not look at your appearance or wealth, but at your hearts and deeds.”
  11. “He who has no mercy for others will not receive Allah’s mercy.”
  12. “The best of you are those who are best to their families.”
  13. “He who walks in the service of his brother until it is fulfilled, Allah will establish his feet firmly on the Day of Judgment.”
  14. “The most beloved deeds to Allah are those done consistently, even if they are small.”
  15. “Feed the hungry, visit the sick, and free the captives.”
  16. “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him speak good or remain silent.”
  17. “The most perfect believer in faith is the one whose character is finest and who is kindest to his family.”
  18. “Smiling at your brother is an act of charity.”
  19. “A Muslim is the one from whose tongue and hand other Muslims are safe.”
  20. “Give the labourer his wages before his sweat dries.”
  21. “Avoid envy, for envy devours good deeds just as fire consumes wood.”
  22. “The best wealth is the wealth of the soul.”
  23. “A good word is charity.”
  24. “The believer is like a mirror to another believer. He points out his faults in a kind way.”
  25. “Be merciful to those on earth, and the One above the heavens will have mercy on you.”

Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Sayings (Hadith)

The sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, known as Hadith, are a rich source of guidance and wisdom for Muslims. They serve as the second primary source of Islamic law and practice, after the Quran. Hadith cover various aspects of life, including moral conduct, spirituality, social matters, and worship.

The Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, emphasized the importance of compassion, justice, humility, and service to humanity. His sayings reflect his exemplary character and offer timeless lessons that resonate with people from generation to generation. These teachings promote kindness, encourage the pursuit of knowledge, and promote peace and unity.

25 Sayings (Hadith) of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

  1. “The best among you are those who have the best manners and character.”
  2. “None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.”
  3. “The strong person is not the one who overcomes others with strength, but the one who controls himself when angry.”
  4. “He who does not show mercy to others will not be shown mercy.”
  5. “The best charity is that given in secret.”
  6. “Make things easy for people and do not make them difficult. Cheer people up and do not drive them away.”
  7. “The most beloved of deeds to Allah are those that are done consistently, even if they are small.”
  8. “Cleanliness is half of faith.”
  9. “A kind word is charity.”
  10. “The one who looks after and works for a widow and a poor person is like a warrior fighting for Allah’s cause.”
  11. “The believer is like a mirror to another believer; he advises him when he sees a fault in him.”
  12. “He who treads a path in search of knowledge, Allah will make a path to Paradise easy for him.”
  13. “Do not waste water, even if you are at a running stream.”
  14. “The best among you are those who learn the Quran and teach it.”
  15. “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three: an ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who prays for him.”
  16. “The most perfect believer in faith is the one whose character is finest and who is kindest to his wife.”
  17. “Seek forgiveness from Allah, for I seek His forgiveness a hundred times a day.”
  18. “The best wealth is the wealth of the soul.”
  19. “The upper hand is better than the lower hand; the upper hand gives while the lower hand begs.”
  20. “Whoever is not grateful to people is not grateful to Allah.”
  21. “The most beloved place to Allah is the mosque, and the most disliked place is the marketplace.”
  22. “Whoever feeds a fasting person will have the same reward as the fasting person.”
  23. “The believer who mixes with people and bears their harm with patience is better than the one who does not mix with them and does not bear their harm.”
  24. “Allah does not look at your outward appearance and wealth, but He looks at your hearts and deeds.”
  25. “None of you will enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another.”


Islamic Quotes are very useful in our life and also as a Muslims. The sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the teachings of Islam provide a timeless source of guidance, wisdom, and inspiration for people of all ages. From promoting compassion and kindness to encouraging patience and gratitude, these principles shape a fulfilling and purposeful life. By following these teachings, individuals can cultivate good character, strengthen their faith, and contribute positively to society. The profound wisdom of Islam, embedded in its islamic quotes and messages, serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for a better world.


Q: What is the most famous quote in Islam?

A: One of the most famous quotes is: “Indeed, with difficulty comes ease.” (Quran 94:6)

Q: What is the most profound quote in Islam?

A: Whoever saves a life, it is as if he had saved the life of all mankind. (Quran 5:32)

Q: What is the best verse in the Quran?

A: “And He found you lost and guided you.” (Quran 93:7)

Q: What is the best motivational quote from Allah?

A: “So be patient, indeed the promise of Allah is true.” (Quran 30:60)

Q: What is the motivational quote of Islamic life?

A: Islam motivates life through the concept of living a righteous life, serving others, and seeking the pleasure of Allah for eternal success.

Q: What are the most famous Islamic quotes from the Prophet of Islam?

A: The best of you is the one whose morals and ethics are the best. And “None of you can be a believer until he likes for his brother what he likes for himself.”

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